1) ............. is about the action or process of making something active or operative. a) movement / motion / activation (n.) b) major / considerable / vital (adj.) 2) The amount of water collected is ........ed in pints. a) form / set up / assemble (v.) b) measure /calculate /estimate (v.) 3) .........., the real earthquakes in California's future won't be anything as extreme as those in the movie. a) major / considerable / vital (adj.) b) fortunately / propitiously / mercifully (adv.) 4) .......... is an involuntary, rhythmic muscle contraction leading to shaking movements in one or more parts of the body. a) tremor / trembling/ tremble (n.) b) form / set up / assemble (v.) 5) About two dozen sailors on a Navy warship, ........ 25 percent of the crew have now tested positive for COVID-19 a) damage / wreck / disrupt (v.) b) nearly / approximately / roughly (adv.) 6) The term 'lava' is also used for the solidified rock ........ed by the cooling of a molten. a) form / set up / assemble (v.) b) damage / wreck / disrupt (v.) 7) Bombing caused extensive ........ to the town. a) damage / wreck / disrupt (v.) b) movement / motion / activation (n.) 8) In a ....... earthquake, buildings can sway up to a few feet, bending but not breaking. a) nearly / approximately / roughly (adv.) b) major / considerable / vital (adj.)

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