1) My friend ......... the guitar every day. a) play b) plays 2) My dog often .......... all day. a) sleep b) sleeps 3) I sometimes .......... for school projects. a) make posters b) makes posters 4) My cousin ....... very well. a) dive b) dives 5) She never ......... TV at four o'clock. a) watch b) watches 6) Tom ......... his bedroom on Saturdays. a) tidy b) tidies 7) I .......... vanilla ice cream. a) like b) likes 8) My father always ........... a shower in the evening. a) has b) haves 9) I usually ............ up at half past six. a) get b) gets 10) Jenny ......... to school. a) ride a bike b) rides a bike 11) My parents sometimes ........ to music. a) listen b) listens 12) This animal ......... very fast. a) run b) runs 13) These animals ........... very fast. a) run b) runs 14) My uncle always ........... our washing machine. a) fix b) fixes

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