1) What do you think about people who take drugs? 2) Are you interested in global problems? Why / Why not? 3) Are you afraid of a terrorist attack? Why? / Why not? 4) Have you ever thought of becoming an activist? Why? Why not? 5) What do you think of charity and voluntary work? Have you ever been a volunteer? 6) Are there many homeless people where you live? What are some ways we can help homeless people? 7) What kind of improvements would you like to see in society? 8) Have you ever known someone with an addiction? 9) What are the most common problems facing society? 10) How does technology influence society? 11) How do you meet new friends? 12) Which countries are poor? Why are some countries poor? 13) What do you think about graffiti? Is it art or vandalism? 14) Do you think LGBT is a problematic subject in the Czech Republic? Why? Why not? What can we do about it? 15) Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets, rather than helping people in need? 16) What is racism? Have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level? 17) How do the young contribute to society? 18) What do people do to rebel against society? 19) What are some expectations parents have for their children? Do they expect too much or not enough? 20) What are the differences between society today and 50 years ago?

Global problems, social issues


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