Run on the sport for 30 seconds, 10x squats, 10x lunges, High knees for 30 seconds, 5x push ups, Plank for 30 seconds, Mountain climbers for 30 seconds, Arm circle- 10 forward, 10 backward, Side to side jumps for 20 seconds, 10x frog jumps, 10x chair stand up sit down, Pretend to skip for 30 seconds, Knee to elbow for 30 seconds, Bum kicks for 30 seconds, Reach high then touch your toes x10, Side to side runs 3 steps x20, Jab, Jab, Cross x10, Uppercut, Uppercut, Jab, Cross x10, Hook, Hook, Uppercut, Uppercut x10, Speed punch for 30 seconds.

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