1) There _____ a cat on the table. a) is b) are 2) There ___  butterflies on the grass. a) is b) are 3) There _____ some crocodiles.  a) is b) are 4) There ______ camel in the desert. a) is b) are 5) There ___ no bear. a) are b) is 6) There ____ 5 pandas a) is b) are 7) There ____ a dog. a) is b) are 8) There ____ two foxes. a) is b) are 9) There _____ some dogs in the garden. a) is b) are 10) There _____ a kangaroo. a) is b) are 11) There ____ a big spider. a) are b) is 12) There ___ too many worms a) are b) is

There is or There are (animals)

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