1) to take money out of your bank account a) save b) lend c) borrow d) withdraw 2) to collect money by spending less a) withdraw b) charge c) save d) borrow 3) to give money to someone who needs it for some time a) borrow b) lend c) charge d) pay back 4) to return money after borrowing a) charge b) lend c) pay back d) subscribe 5) to be in debt a) owe b) broke c) pennyless d) lend 6) to be short of money a) owe b) broke c) be in debt 7) to ask smb to pay you for smth/ for the services you offered a) borrow b) lend c) return d) charge 8) to get money for the work you do a) spend b) deposit c) waste d) earn 9) to spend more than planned a) waste b) overspend c) withdraw d) spend 10) to ask for money back when you return an item a) receipt b) refund c) purchase d) bargain 11) to negotiate a price a) discount b) charge c) bargain d) sale

money vocabulary

Lyderių lentelė

Vizualinis stilius


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