1) My classmate can play basketball … because he practices every day. a) WELL b) GOOD 2) He finished his homework in only ten minutes. He was very … a) QUICK b) QUICKLY 3) I … put the eggs into the basket and took them home. a) GENTLE b) GENTLY 4) After I watched the movie, I felt a little …. a) SAD b) SADLY 5) I … walked by the dog while it was asleep. a) NERVOUS b) NERVOUSLY 6) We all … worked on the car until it was fixed. a) BUSY b) BUSILY 7) He said that his password was …and that he didn’t want to tell me it. a) SECRET b) SECRETLY 8) I … helped him with his work...because he’s my best friend. a) GLAD b) GLADLY 9) The final exam wasn’t easy, it was quite …. a) HARD b) HARDLY 10) I always feel quite … just before I sit down to take an exam. a) NERVOUS b) NERVOUSLY 11) We were very … when we moved to a new home closer to our school. a) GLAD b) GLADLY 12) My friend … studies for exams, so he usually gets low grades. a) HARD b) HARDLY 13) A … way to practice your English is to speak it with friends after class. a) GOOD b) WELL 14) The dentist can’t see me on Monday because he’s … on that day. a) BUSY b) BUSILY 15) My mother … put a gift for me on my study desk. a) SECRET b) SECRETLY 16) I couldn’t find my cat, so I … walked home and cried. a) SAD b) SADLY 17) We had a great day at the beach! It was warm and there was a … breeze. a) GENTLE b) GENTLY 18) I was late for class, so I … entered the room and sat down. a) QUICK b) QUICKLY


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