1) Neither Yuko --- Hiromi came to school today. a) nor b) and 2) --- my mom --- my brother knows about it. It’s a secret. a) Both / and b) Neither / nor 3) Katie speaks --- English and German fluently. a) neither b) both 4) Neither Heather nor Dorothy --- me clean the house. I did it alone. a) helped b) didn't help 5) Both my brother and I --- to play football. a) like b) likes 6) Both your father --- your husband can repair your bike. a) nor b) and 7) Neither Fred nor George --- going to do this project. a) is b) are 8) Neither the professor nor his students --- at school today. a) is b) are 9) Both Emily and her husband --- sushi very much. a) like b) likes 10) Neither Greg nor I --- been to Brazil. a) has b) have 11) Both your dad and my dad --- angry after the match. a) was b) were 12) Both elephants and lions --- in Africa. a) live b) lives

New Horizons - A2 - Grammar - Lesson 45 - Practice - Ex. 2

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