Do you like shopping? Why/Why not? If yes, what do you like to go shopping for?, What's your favourite school subject and why?, What kind of music do you listen to? What's your favourite singer/band?, Can you describe a wonderful day you've had? What was it like?, What's your favourite movie? Why do you like it?, What would you like to be when you grow up?, What do you use the internet for?, What's your favourite animal? Why?, What's your favourite season and why?, What do you do to help the environment? Give an example., Do you recycle?, Can you describe your family?, What's your favourite outfit?, Do you like to play video games?, What's your favourite breakfast meal?, What's your favourite snack?, What's your favourite lunch meal?, What's your favourite dessert? , Do you do any sports?, How long have you been studying English with Helen Doron English Academy?.

General Questions-speaking activity

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