Where ... the vegetables?, Vegetables? You know, tomatoes, ..., ..., Where is fruit?, Fruit? You ..., apples, oranges..., What's "snacks"? I don't ... this word., Where's cereal? It's ... to the bread., Meat? For example? - You ..., chicken, beef..., Dairy? For ...? - You know, milk, yoghurt, kefir... - Oh, dairy!, Where's nuts? - Do you see the snacks? The nuts are ... the snacks., The dairy is on the left of the snacks, and the bread is on the ..., Excuse ...! Where's the hotel? - It's ... the bank and the restaurant., ... me! Where's the hairdresser's? - It's ... to the hotel., Do you see the hotel? The sports centre is on ... right of it., Snacks? For ...? - Well, you know, crisps, nuts... - Oh, I understand., Let me check. The hotel is between the restaurant and the bar, right? - That's ..., Let me ... The bar is on ...left of the club, right? - That's right., ...me check. The gym is behind the hotel, right? - No, it's inside the hotel! - Oh, I see..

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