$5 Ryan Gaskell (live) in London with his wife, Cindy. Ep 1, $10 Peter Columbo (work) for a magazine company. Ep 1, $25 Sarah (do) judo on Tuesday evening. Ep 2, $100 Peter (come) into the Coffee Shop but he (not want) a cup of coffee. Ep 2, $25 Sarah's grandmother (make) wonderful noodles. Ep 3, $200 Sarah's boyfriend (work) with her father. Her parents (like) him. Ep 3, $50 Jordan (go) to the DIY store for some paint now. Ep 4, $100 Sarah (not do) anything today. Ep 4, $25 Lucy (write) her CV at the moment. Ep 4, $200 Lucy (not go) to yoga class this evening. Ep 5, $200 Peter and Jordan (not understand) women. Ep 5.

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