1) Find the Open Syllable a) pet b) date c) so 2) Find the Vowel Consonant E Syllable a) struck b) ride c) by 3) Find the Closed Syllable a) bone b) met c) be 4) Find the Closed Syllable a) ate b) fly c) shock 5) Find the Open Syllable a) grape b) go c) hit 6) Find the Vowel Consonant E Syllable a) flute b) hi c) plant 7) Find the Closed Syllable a) frost b) skate c) fry 8) Find the Vowel Consonant E Syllable a) try b) blank c) white 9) Find the Open Syllable a) soft b) flu c) here 10) Find the Closed Syllable a) came b) lift c) why

Find the Syllable Type Wilson 5.1 Quiz

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