I wish I _________ (have) more friends. I only have few friends. - I wish I HAD more friends. I only have few friends., I wish it _________ (be) Saturday today. Friday is the busiest day for me. - I wish it WAS/WERE Saturday today. Friday is the busiest day for me., If only I _________ (have) a new car! My old car causes problems all the time! - If only I HAD a new car! My old car causes problems all the time!, If only she ________ (accept) my invitation! Then I will be the happiest person in the world! - If only she ACCEPTED my invitation! Then I will be the happiest person in the world!, I wish my son _________ (be) here. He lives and studies in Italy. - I wish my son WAS/WERE here. He lives and studies in Italy., If only It _________ (stop) raining! - If only It STOPPED raining!, If only it _________ (rain) more often! - If only it RAIN more often!, If only my wife _________ (not /be) so rude! - If only my wife WASN'T/WEREN'T so rude!, I wish she _________ (like) my present because I really care for her. - I wish she LIKED my present because I really care for her., I wish he _________ (work) more and _________ (sleep) less. - I wish he WORKED more and SLEPT less., I wish I _________ (be) younger and more beautiful. - I wish I WAS younger and more beautiful., If only I __________(sing) better! My voice is terrible. - If only I SANG better! My voice is terrible., If only my father _____________ (listen) to me! - If only my father LISTENED to me!, Now that Peter is in Japan on a business trip, he wishes he ______________ (understand) Japanese. - Now that Peter is in Japan on a business trip, he wishes he UNDERSTOOD Japanese.,


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