1) session a) love and enthusiasm b) An amount of time for a particular activity  c) An important expedition or task 2) passion a) love and enthusiasm b) An important expedition or task c) An amount of time for a particular activity 3) mission a) love and enthusiasm b) An amount of time for a particular activityAn important expedition or t c) An important expedition or task 4) Expression a) The look on someone's face, showing their emotions. b) A conversation between two people. c) Telling someone you are guilty of doing something. 5) Discussion a) A mathematics question. b) Telling someone you are guilty of doing something. c) A conversation between two people. 6) Confession a) Telling someone you are guilty of doing something. b) Being allowed to do something. c) When you have a really bad headache. 7) Permission a) When you have a really bad headache. b) Being allowed to do something. c) When you're not allowed to do something. 8) Admission a) Being allowed into something, for example an admission ticket. b) When you have to add something to the mission you're on.  c) The look on someone's face that tells you how they're feeling. 9) Possession a) Ownership of something; it's yours.  b) When your friend steals something that is yours.  c) A type of ghost. 10) Impression a) Ownership of something; it's yours. b) A copy or mould of something. c) A really, really loud voice.

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