I like hamburgers (-), We work in an office (-), you/study English at school (?), they/ go to college (?), you/like bananas (?), We like bananas (-), I do yoga (-), I do homework at the weekend (-), you/do homework at the weekend (?), They drive to the shops (-), you/drive to the shops (?), We live with our parents (-), you/live with your parents (?), I have a brother (-), you/ have a brother (?), you/have a car (?), you/ seventeen (?), I am seventeen (-), He is my brother (-), he/my brother (?), They are my friends (-), they/your friends (?).

Speakout Starter U 4.1 Present Simple

Lyderių lentelė

Atsitiktinės kortos yra neterminuotas šablonas. Jis negeneruoja rezultatų lyedrių lentelei.

Vizualinis stilius


Pakeisti šabloną

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