Berlin Blockade: Division of Germany became permanent, Soviets accelerated their nuclear weapons programme and detonated an atomic bomb in 1949, The Warsaw Pact , Arms race between the US and Soviet Union, The Us and Soviet Union built up huge, well equipped armies, Cuba Missile Crisis: Fidel Castro, US Naval Blockade, John F Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev , Soviet Union built missile bases in Cuba that could hit US cities, The Korean War: Division of Korea became permanent, Asia was divided, North Korean invade South Korea, Korea divided on the 38th parallel , President Truman and Chairman Mao, The Vietnam War: Elections to unify Vietnam never occurred , Vietcong vs America and Southern Allies, 58,000 US soldiers killed, Millions of Vietnamese killed, US suffered a humiliating defeat to a guerrilla army,

Chapter 29: Consequences of the Cold War

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