How do you like to spend your evenings? What do you do? Why?, Do you prefer to spend time on your own or with other people? Why?, Tell us about a film you really like., Do you like cooking? What sort of things do you cook?, Do you normally celebrate special occasions with friends or family? Why?, Tell us about a festival or celebration in your city, state or country., What did you do on your last birthday?, Are you going to do anything special this weekend? Where are you going to go? What are you going to do?, How much TV do you watch in a week? Would you prefer to watch more TV than that or less? Why?, Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently., What do you use the internet for? How long do you spend on the Internet on an average day?, Do you ever listen to the radio? What programs do you like? Why? , What was the last time you watched a very funny movie or series? What was it about?, Tell us about a very special vacation you've had., Describe a friend you had when you were very young and what you used to do together., Describe a person you met on a vacation or on a trip and that you've become friends with., What do you like most about the home you live in? Why?, Talk about 3 positive and 3 negative things about the town you live in., Have you ever attended a different school from the one you attend now? Compare the 2 schools., Tell us about a book that you had to read for school and that you liked., Have you ever seen a movie that you hated, at the movie theater?, Do you remember a very special restaurant that you've been to? Why was it special?.


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