1) The girl ____ standing next to Anne is Jim's sister. a) who's b) whose 2) The boy ____ ball had fallen into the river was crying. a) who's b) whose 3) The woman ____ sitting behind Mrs Watts is Tina's mother. a) who's b) whose 4) Is that the man ____ wife is a famous artist? a) who's b) whose 5) The man ____ waiting at the bus stop is my Science teacher. a) who's b) whose 6) That's the woman ____ house was robbed last week. a) who's b) whose 7) The boy ____ wearing the blue T-shirt looks like your cousin. a) who's b) whose 8) I know a girl ____ sister has met Beyonce. a) who's b) whose

GT4 24.4 Defining relative clauses

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