1) Dogs are not _____ in this park. a) allowed b) aloud 2) I booked a _____ on the ferry to Tasmania. a) birth b) berth 3) That scarf will _____ your outfit perfectly. a) compliment b) complement 4) She was very upset so she went to see the school _____. a) counsellor b) councillor 5) To slow down your bike, put on the _____. a) brake b) break 6) She read the book _____. a) allowed b) aloud 7) I don't like that breakfast _____. a) cereal b) serial 8) The baby's _____ was celebrated by everyone. a) birth b) berth 9) The vain person kept fishing for _____. a) compliments b) complements 10) The electric fence carried a weak electrical _____. a) currant b) current 11) The city Mayor is elected by all the city _____. a) counsellors b) councillors 12) "Neighbours" is a long-running TV ____. a) cereal b) serial 13) I have given up ____ my hair. a) dying b) dyeing 14) I was eating scones and choked on a ____. a) currant b) current 15) I can come any day ____ Tuesday. a) except b) accept 16) At weddings, people usually dress ____. a) formally b) formerly 17) Try not to ____ all your money away. a) gambol b) gamble 18) Why are my plants always ____? a) dying b) dyeing 19) Thanks for your invitation, I'd be delighted to ____. a) except b) accept 20) She was a civilian, but was ____ an army officer. a) formally b) formerly 21) The invading _____ of soldiers swept down the mountain. a) hoards b) hordes 22) The ____ in my pencil is broken. a) led b) lead 23) The baby lambs ____ around the meadow. a) gambol b) gamble 24) The tree was struck by _____. a) lightening b) lightning 25) We didn't have coins for the parking ____. a) meter b) metre 26) He ____ all kinds of stuff under his house. a) hoards b) hordes 27) After the war, there was a period of relative________. a) peace b) piece 28) A yard in imperial measurement is about the same as a metric ____. a) meter b) metre 29) The cake was so delicious I helped myself to another ____. a) peace b) piece 30) I don't really like flavoured yoghurt, I prefer it to be ____. a) plane b) plain 31) Dark hair didn't suit me so I've been ____ it. a) lightening b) lightning 32) In most religions, people ____. a) pray b) prey 33) She ____ the way down a long, dark hallway. a) led b) lead 34) If you don't hurry up you might miss your ____. a) plane b) plain 35) If you want a ticket, you'll have to get in the box office ____. a) queue b) cue 36) I realised that the ____ in my trousers had started to split. a) seam b) seem 37) There's a spider up on the ____. a) sealing b) ceiling 38) I went to ____ party. a) there b) their c) they're 39) The lion stalked its ____. a) pray b) prey 40) Don't come on stage until I give you your ____. a) queue b) cue 41) You ____ to know what you're doing a) seam b) seem 42) The builders and architect had a meeting on ____. a) sight b) site 43) I have been won over, heart and ____. a) sole b) soul 44) They are ____ the envelopes and putting them in the post. a) sealing b) ceiling 45) The bedraggled and exhausted travellers were not a pretty ____. a) sight b) site 46) Russia and Alaska are separated by the Bering ____. a) straight b) strait 47) Sorry, I didn't know you wanted it, and I ____ it out. a) through b) threw 48) An old woman was the ____ survivor. a) sole b) soul 49) I'll let you know when ____ coming. a) there b) their c) they're 50) I'll knew you were here because I was watching the street ____ the window. a) through b) threw 51) Your hair is curly but mine is ____. a) straight b) strait 52) Can you bring my hat? I left it over ____. a) there b) their c) they're 53) If buying trousers on the internet, check the ____ and hip measurements. a) waist b) waste 54) The delicious snacks should ____ their appetite. a) wet b) whet 55) They are a little deaf so you have to ____ very hard on the door. a) wrap b) rap 56) I had a sneak ____ at the exhibition even though it doesn't open till next week. a) peak b) peek c) pique 57) Careful! That paint is still ____. a) wet b) whet 58) They're hoping the trailer will _____ the interest of movie goers. a) peak b) peek c) pique 59) When I was young we used to go fishing in the local ____. a) creek b) creak 60) I need to ____ the present. a) wrap b) rap 61) She climbed all the way to the mountain ____. a) peak b) peek c) pique 62) I don't like to ____ food. a) waist b) waste 63) When the person upstairs walks around, you can hear her floorboards _____. a) creek b) creak 64) The robber ____ the glass. a) brakes b) breaks

Easily confused homophones

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