1) Susan _______ new to the school yesterday. a) were b) was 2) I _____ eleven years old last year. a) were b) was 3) He _______ my best friend. a) was b) were 4) You _______ in grade 4 last year. a) were b) was 5) _____ it last week? a) Were b) Was 6) _______ you and Mary in the same class? a) Was b) Were 7) ______ there any sandals in the sale last week? a) Was b) Were 8) His name _______ Harry Potter. a) were b) was 9) _______ they at the zoo last weekend? a) Were b) Was 10) _______ your friend at school yesterday? a) Were b) Was 11) How old ________ you last year? a) was b) were 12) He ______ not my friend. a) was b) were 13) They ______ not students. a) were b) was 14) Where ______ the last English lesson? a) were b) was 15) She ______ not eleven years old. a) was b) were 16) _____ you ready for the lesson yesterday? a) Were b) Was 17) ______ it cold yesterday? a) Was b) Were

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