immune - If you are protected from a disease you are ..., can be spread from person to person - communicable disease, treatment - Care given to someone who is ill., broken skin, eyes, nose and mouth - Pathogens get into your body by..., keeps the body from working properly - Disease, wash hands for 20 seconds - To reduce the risk of getting a disease, what are some things you can do?, unbroken skin, tears, mucus, tiny hairs, saliva and stomach acid - The six first-line defenses are, incubation period - The time a pathogen gets into your body until you start showing signs your sick is ..., bacteria, fungi, viruses and protists - 4 types of pathogens, antibodies, white blood cells, and vaccines - What is a second-line defense?, cannot be spread from person to person - noncommunical disease, antibodies - What substance stays in your body to help fight?, to slow the growth of bacteria - What will a doctor give you an antibiotic drug for?, disease - A pathogen causes a..., diabetes, allergies, asthma, heart disease, cancer - What are some examples of noncommunicable diseases?, white blood cells - What part of your blood fights off infections?, fungi - ringworm and athletes foot are examples of, 98.6 degrees - What is the bodies normal temperature?, symptom - A change in the bodies condition that signals disease, pink-eye, flu, cold - What are examples of communicable disease?,

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