England: the largest country in the UK., JK Rowling, London, St. George, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Thames (346 km), rose, , The Lake District,, 67 million people, Scotland: Edinburgh, Loch Ness, Robert Burns, clans, kilts, medieval castles, Walter Scott, , St. Andrew,  Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow,  Ben Nevis (1,343 m), thistle , Unicorn, Loch Lomond, 5,45 million people, Wales: Cymru, , the Red Dragon, Cardiff, St. David, Snowdonia, leek, Roald Dahl, 3 million inhabitants, Northern Ireland: also known as Ulster, Belfast, Lough Neagh, St. Patrick, shamrock, C S Lewis -Writer, , 1,8 million inhabitants,


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