1) What is the character of Lucifer that made him become Satan? a) proud b) humble c) selfless 2) How many angels followed and obeyed Lucifer? a) 1/2 b) 1/3 c) 1/4 3) What did God do to Lucifer after his rebellion? He was… a) crucified b) put in prison c) cast out from heaven 4) Where can we find this text: “Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. You were all called together in one body to have peace.” a) Colossians 3:15 b) Genesis 26: 12 c) Psalm 26: 12 5) Where can we find this text: “I will be happy because of you. God most high. I will sing praises to your name." a) Genesis 9:2 b) Psalm 9:2 c) Proverbs 9:2 6) Which two trees grew in the midst of the garden? a) The tree of life and the tree of death. b) The tree of death and the tree of joy and despair. c) The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. d) The tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of joy and despair. 7) What is the purpose of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? To... a) let them identify the good and evil b) give Adam and Eve special wisdom c) test the loyalty of Adam and Eve to their creator 8) What animal deceived Eve? a) crow b) fox c) serpent d) wolf 9) What causes Adam and Eve to leave their garden home? Because... a) of their disobedient to God's law and command. b) they are going to make sacrifices for the sins they committed c) they want to look for another placemore beautiful than their garden home. 10) What did the deceptive animal convince Eve to do? a) Leave Adam b) Kill an animal c) Eat the forbidden fruit d) Blaspheme against the Lord 11) What does Eve's name mean? a) Blessed mother b) Mother of death c) Mother of all living d) Mother of knowledge 12) Which was the result after the fall? a) God was very happy b) the angels were rejoicing c) Adam and Eve were separated from God 13) Why did Cain become angry? a) Cain wanted to marry Abel's wife. b) Cain was jealous of Abel's success. c) The Lord accepted Abel's offering but not Cain's d) Abel was favored by his parents more than Cain was 14) Why did the Lord set a mark on Cain? So that... a) he would be humiliated b) people would know to persecute him c) people would recognize him and kill him d) people would recognize him and not kill him 15) In what way Jesus takes away the sins of the world? By… a) dying in the cross. b) punishing Satan and his angels. c) forcing people to accept salvation.


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