Key features of a democracy - UK citizens pick government or hate speech is supported. 60 million votes Conservatives., Reserved matters - Border control, defence, employment laws. Eg boris 14 day lockdown., Roles of the PM - answering questions at PMQ & leading the country. Eg lockdown, Representing UK abroad - PM went to Ukraine to show support for the country's war with Russia., Why is the PM powerful? - PM has the power to appoint cabinet members, leader of the largest party., Why is the PM not always in power? - When no party has a majority of seats the PM can’t pass the laws and bills., Rights & responsibilities of UK citizens - Our political rights allow us to participate in politics. The right to vote is ours, 31 million people 18+ voted in 2019., Ways individual citizens can participate - Stand as candidate (Alyn smith), voting (31million ), join a party(500,000 in labour), Why do some people take part in politics - They know the importance, make a difference (Bedford 2019 only 145 votes between 1st and 2nd place., Why do some people not take part in politics - They feel excluded, don't know how (No LGBT members, education attainment), 2 ways political parties campaign for votes - Social media (influencers) or interviews, newspapers etc.,

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