1) When did the war start? a) 1999 b) 1944 c) 1945 d) 1939 2) What is this tank a) TANK b) TONK c) M2 Sherman d) M1 Sherman 3) What kind of german dive bomber is this a) Plane b) Stuka c) Stukssas d) m1 sHeR 4) When did battle of the bulge start a) Halloween b) wInteer c) Winter 5) What kind of gun is this a) Thompson b) M1M1 Thomp c) M1A2 Thompson 6) What kind of gun is this a) M1A1 Grand b) M1 Garand 7) When did the war end a) 1999444555 b) 1950 c) 1945


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