1) When you have a technical problem, e.g. with a phone or tablet, do you ask someone to help you or do you try to sort it out yourself? 2) Which aspects of your daily life involve you speaking English? 3) Do you prefer shop assistants to help you choose new clothes or leave you alone to choose yourself? 4) What kinds of excuses do you give when someone invites you to do something or go somewhere and you don’t really feel like it? 5) Which three places would you recommend visiting if someone was in your town for 24 hours? 6) If a friend wanted to make a good impression at an interview, what would you advise them to do or not to do? 7) What kinds of situations cause you to feel stressed? What are the best ways to cope with stress? 8) Is there anything that sometimes prevents you from sleeping at night? What do you do when you can’t sleep? 9) How would you try to persuade someone to do you a really big favour? 10) If you have to do something you don’t really want to, like homework or housework, what ‘distractions’ do you find to stop yourself from having to do it? 11) What sorts of things do you dislike your neighbours doing? How can we build good relationships with neighbours? 12) How could governments encourage citizens to use public transport rather than cars? 13) If a friend wanted to contact you, would you prefer them to call you or message you? Why? 14) Who taught you to swim? How quickly did you learn? 15) Do you mind people asking you your age? What other questions is it sometimes inappropriate to ask someone? 16) Do you think playing too many computer and video games might make young people behave violently? 17) What things did your parents let you do as a child that parents probably wouldn’t allow their children to do nowadays? 18) What apps or websites do you use which help you improve your English outside the classroom? 19) How do you think local councils could encourage people to recycle more? 20) What gadgets or techniques do you use to help you remember important dates like birthdays?

B2/C1 - 6A - Ask me a question (verb + object + infinitive/gerund)

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