1) Jupiter is ... planet in the solar system. a) the largest b) the most large c) larger than 2) Neptune is ... planet from the Sun. a) farther than b) the farthest c) the most far 3) Earth is ... Mercury. a) the biggest b) more big c) bigger than 4) Venus is ... planet in the solar system. a) the hottest b) hotter than c) hottest than 5) Space shuttles are ... cars. a) the fastest b) faster than c) the most fast 6) Mount Everest is ... mountain in the world. a) higher than b) highest than c) the highest 7) Mercury is ... planet to the Sun. a) the closest b) closer than c) more close than 8) Earth's surface is ... its magma. a) the coolest b) cooler than c) more cool 9) Neptune is ... planet in the galaxy. a) slower than b) the most slow c) the slowest 10) The moon is ... Earth. a) smaller than b) the smallest c) more small

7th Grade - Unit 10.07 (Comparative and Superlative)

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