1) Which of these words means to take a close look at? a) extinct b) inspect c) respect 2) Which of these words means an academic record? a) extinct b) transcript c) extract 3) Which of these words means an animal that is no longer living? a) extinct b) extract c) transcript 4) How many taps (or sounds) are in the base word strap? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 5) How many taps are in the word thrill? a) 6 b) 4 c) 3 6) What is the suffix in the word "flosses?" a) es b) ss c) fl 7) What is the name of the pattern of the first sound in the word "ship"? a) glued sound b) bonus letter c) digraph 8) Which Marvel superhero has the power to be faster than light? a) Flash b) Captain America c) Vision d) Hulk

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