1) They are the famous singers________ are living in my city. a) who b) where c) which 2) This is my house, __________ is in the countryside. a) which b) that c) where 3) The horse _________ is standing over there is very old . a) who b) which c) where 4) It’s my sister Linda_________ is a singer. a) what b) that c) which 5) I bought a new car ___________ is very fast. a) who b) what c) which 6) I really love the new Japanese restaurant,_____ is very modern. a) where b) which c) that 7) My cousin Lily, _______ I live with, is very smart. a) that b) which c) who 8) We sold a house ________ is 100 years old. a) who b) where c) which 9) We visit this city,_______ is very nice. a) which b) that c) where 10) The little girl had a doll ___________ was lost yesterday. a) that b) who c) whom d) whose

Relative clause - Who, which, that

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