"Look upon my words, ye ____, and despair!" "and blights with plagues the marriage ____." "But huge and mighty forms, that do not live Like ____ men, moved slowly through the mind By day, and were a trouble to my dreams." "She had A heart - how shall I say? - too soon made ____" "Came thro' the jaws of ____ Back from the mouth of Hell" "Pale flakes with fingering stealth come ____ for our faces" "Strange, it is a huge ____ that we fear." "The patriotic tear that had brimmed in his eye Sweating like ____ iron from the centre of his chest" "I see every round as it ____ through his life" "Before you left, I pinned one onto your lapel, crimped petals, ____ of paper red, disrupting a blockade of yellow bias binding around your blazer." "Solutions slop in trays beneath his hands, which did not ____ them though do seem to now." "If buildings were ____, I might feel their drift, see how easily they fall away on a sigh, a shift in the direction of the wind." "the graceful slopes glow even clearer as ____ rolls its tanks and the frontiers rise between us" "Dem tell me bout ole King ____ was a merry ole soul but dem never tell me bout Mary Seacole" "And though he came back my mother never ____ again in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes"

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