Correct: It's freezing outside., The washing machine is broken., The children were very bored., The man stood up in the fishing boat., I thought the movie was very exciting., My sister is interested in space travel., Eating utensils are sometimes called silverware., I met an interesting man on the train., The food we ate was overcooked and expensive., The roller coaster ride was frightening., My grandmother's frying pan is extremely heavy., I need a new pair of running shoes., Incorrect: It's frozen outside., The washed machine is broken., The children were very boring., The man sat down in the fished boat., I thought the novel was very excited., My sister is interesting in space travel., Eaten utensils are sometimes called silverware., I met an interested man on the train., The food we ate was overcooking., The roller coaster ride was frightened., My grandmother's fried pan is very heavy., I need a new pair of runned shoes.,

KGA Gr. Review - Present Participle vs. Past Participle --T/F

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