1) What time is it? a) It is three o'clock. b) It three o'clock. c) It are three o'clock. 2) What is the time? a) It is twelve five. b) It is twelve one . c) It is one o'clock. 3) What is the time? a) It is twelve o' clock. b) It is six o'clock. c) It is six twelve. 4) What time is it? a) It is four thirty. b) It is four six. c) It is six twenty. 5) What is the time? a) It is twelve o'clock. b) It is eleven twelve. c) It is eleven o'clock. 6) What is the time? a) It is twelve o'clock. b) It is twelve thirty. c) It is six o'clock. 7) What is the time? a) eleven fifteen b) eleven three c) three eleven

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