Drop - baja, Mortgage - hipoteca (loan to pay for a house), Sovereign fund - fondo soberano (issued -emitido- by a national government), Bear market - mercado a la baja (stocks falling), Bull market - mercado al alza (stocks increasing), Stockbroker - corredor (person in charge of your investment), Regulator - They usually work for the government or organizations to regulate financial functioning, Profit margin ratio - margen de utilidad (sales converted into profit), Profit - rentabilidad, Loss - pérdida, Earning - ganancia, Income statement - estado de resultados (shows earnings and profitability), Shareholders - accionistas, Hedger - participant of the financial market low or free of risk, CMF - Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (Chilean organism that regulates the financial market), SEC - Comisión de bolsa y valores (securities and exchange commision), Securities - Títulos (stocks, bonds, shares, mutual funds, etc.), Stocks - Acciones (they represent a part of a company), Exchange - a share trading place, SBIF - Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions,

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