1) How should you join a conversation? a) Interrupt who is talking. b) Run up to the person who is talking c) Ask an on-topic question. 2) If the group is talking about what their favorite video game is. Pick the correct on-topic response. a) I hate the weather b) I really like to play Minecraft. c) I'm going to the store after school. 3) "I really like to play minecraft." - Is this a comment or a question? a) closed question b) closed comment c) inviting comment d) open-ended question 4) How should you end a conversation? a) Say, "it was nice talking to you". b) Walk away while the other person is still talking. c) Say, "I'm done talking to you". 5) How should you end a conversation?  a) It was really nice talking to you, feeling a bit peckish, I will see you around. b) Say "Thank you", and walk away c) Reduce your eye contact, slowly look away and walk away. 6) Your two friends are talking about making a snowman. You join the conversation by saying, "I can't wait for school to be over". Is this on-topic or off-topic? a) On-Topic b) Off-Topic 7) Your friends are talking about making a snowman. What can you say or do to join the conversation? a) Run up and throw a snowball at them. b) I like to go sledding. c) Listen first then say "That sounds interesting..." 8) Your friends are talking about making a snowman. What is a good on topic COMMENT? a) I am interested in making a snowman too. b) you are wrong, that is not how you make a snowman! 9) Your teacher is talking about the solar system and planets. She asks the class if they have any questions. Pick the correct on-topic question. a) When is lunch? b) Can I watch Jurassic park? c) What is the biggest planet? 10) At a party people are talking about cats being excellent.. what would be a good comment in this situation when it is your turn to talk. a) Cats are rubbish! They are pretty useless. b) Cats are absolutely evil c) mmmm... I am not a fan of cats, but I am keen to know more. 11) When having a conversation you should always do this. a) Take turns when talking b) Only talk about what you want to talk about. c) Interrupt the other person talking. d) Talk every time there is silence e) avoid looking at everyone when speaking 12) Your uncle asks you how you are doing in school. Pick the best on-topic response. a) I learned about the solar system this week. b) good. c) I don't know. d) Fine. 13) Your friends are talking about playing tag at recess. You join the conversation by saying, "Can I play tag with you". Is this On-Topic or Off-Topic? a) On-Topic b) Off-Topic 14) Some children are making mean comments at another child during recess. What is the best thing to do?  a) Fist fight the kids and tell them not to be mean b) stand quietly and smile, so as to fit in c) laugh loudly at the child being made fun off d) Tell an adult or ask the child to come with you. 15) Which picture shows good conversation skills? a) b) c) 16) Which picture shows a good time to ask personal/intimate questions politely? a) b) c) d) 17) Which picture shows bad conversation skills? a) b) c) 18) Your mom is talking on the phone and cooking dinner but you need to ask her a question. What should you do. a) Wait until she gets off the phone and then ask your question. b) Keep saying "mom" over and over again. c) Interrupt and ask your question even though she is busy.

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