1) A blue object reflects __ light. a) green b) red c) blue d) all of the above 2) A red object absorbs __ light. a) green and red b) blue and green c) blue and red d) none of the above 3) Snow appears white because __ is absorbed. a) red light b) green light c) blue light d) no light 4) A black cat appears black because __ is/are absorbed a) all of the colors of light b) red and blue light c) green light d) no light 5) A prism breaks down __ into colors of the rainbow. a) black light b) white light c) all light d) yellow light 6) The sun gives off __ light. a) purple b) yellow c) white d) red 7) The color of an object comes the color of the __ light. a) refracted b) absorbed c) reflected d) missing 8) Our eyes cannot see color if there is no __. a) heat b) water c) electricity d) light 9) If all the colors of light are mixed together, we see the color __. a) green b) brown c) black d) white 10) A banana looks __ because yellow light is __. a) blue, absorbed b) yellow, absorbed c) yellow, reflected d) green, reflected 11) White light is made up of __. a) red, green, and black light b) red, blue, and yellow light c) all the colors of light d) green, purple, and orange light 12) A prism is a __ piece of glass or plastic. a) triangular b) square c) round d) flat 13) A prism creates a rainbow by refracting, or bending __.  a) white paint b) white lines c) white light d) white snow

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