Rivers/creek 河/溪 - A large natural, meandering stream of fresh water flowing to the sea or to a lake., Water truck 水车 - A large vehicle with a large tank used to move, deliver and sometime spray water., Water tower 水塔 - An elevated water tank, whose height creates pressure to pipe and distribute the water., Reservoir 水库 - A large artificial lake used to store freshwater which can collect or be piped there for community use., Dam 水坝 - A barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, sometimes used to generate electricity., Lakes 湖 - A large natural body of water surrounded by land that is usually connected to a river system., Wetlands 湿地 - An area of land usually covered by freshwater that supports aquatic flora and fauna., Desalination plant 海水淡化厂 - A facility that converts sea water (salt) to fresh water using a water purification system called reverse osmosis., Rain water tanks 雨水箱 - A domestic storage device used to hold rainwater, usually located in backyards., Recycling 回收 - Reclaimed, treated water that can be reintroduced into the water system safely., Aquifer 含水层 - Groundwater., Glaciers 冰川 - Slowly moving river of ice., Ice shelfs 冰架 - Ice permanently attached to a land mass., Public standpipe 公共水龙头 - A shared tap which is installed for areas which do not have independent running water., Bore 取水孔 - A drilled hole to access water, drilled into a groundwater supply., Potable 可饮用的 - Water that’s safe to drink.,

Y7 Potable Water Definition match-up


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