How “spicy” is your Tamjai level? , Your partner and your mother are both drowning, but you can only save one - who would you choose?, Where you want to / will to travel next for vacation? , Would you rather win HK$ 10,000 yourself, or have your best friend win HK$ 100,000? Why?, What’s your “go-to” order at McDonalds? , What is something you will never eat, no matter how hungry you get?, If you had to sing KTV right now (in front of this class), which song would you pick?, What is the last song you listened to on your phone?, Which is your favourite restaurant in Hong Kong? , If you could choose any place to live in Hong Kong, where would it be? , Have you ever lied to get a deadline extension for your assignment? , 7-eleven or Circle K? , What grade you expect to get in this class?.

1st Class Question Wheel

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