Spanish - Costa Rica's language is..., Used to transport coffee, San José - Costa Rica's capital is..., Centro América - Costa Rica is a country in..., Cristobal Colón - Named Costa Rica, Red, blue, and white - Costa Rica's flag colors are..., Colón - Is the currency in Costa Rica, 5 million - Amount of people who live there, Ticos - Costa Rican's are called..., Gallo Pinto, Pura Vida - Costa Rican say this..., It is one of Costa Rica's products, Main Costa Rican beverage and product, Costa Rican's love playing..., Costa Rica's animal, Costa Rica's poisonous animal, Costa Rica's animal, Costa Rican outdoor activity, El Arenal - The biggest volvano in Costa Rica is..., The biggest lake in Costa Rica - El Lago Arenal is..., Is one of Costa Rica's birds,

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