benefit - an advantage that sth gives you, commitment  - a romise to do sth or to behave in a particular way , compassion - a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering, conquer - to become very popular or successful in a place, conundrum - a confusing problem or question that is very difficult to solve , courageous - showing courage, dedication - the hard work and effort that sb puts into an activity, determined - making a firm decision to do it and you won't let anyone prevent you, dignifed - calm and serious, ground-breaking - making new discoveries , haggard - looking very tired because of illness, hindrance - a person or thing that makes it more difficult for sb to do sth, humility - the quality of not thinking that you are better, ingenuity - the ability to invent things or solve problems in clear new ways, interim - intended to last for opnly a short time, obstacle - a situation that makes difficult for you to do sth, patience - the ability to stay calm, penalize - to put sb at a disadvsntage by treating them unfairly , perserverance  - the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties, persistent  - determined to do sth despite difficulties ,

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