1) No, he can't a) Can he swim? b) Can they fly? c) Can they play tennis? d) Can he play the piano?  2) Yes, he can a) Can they fly? b) Can you sing? c) Can he swim? d) Can she ride a horse? 3) Yes, she can a) Can you sing? b) Can she dance? c) Can they play tennis? d) Can she ride a horse? 4) No, she can't a) Can she ride a horse? b) Can you ride a bike? c) Can she dance? d) Can it run fast? 5) Yes, they can. a) Can they play tennis? b) Can she dance? c) Can it climb trees? d) Can she ride a horse? 6) No, they can't. a) Can you sing? b) Can he play the piano?  c) Can they fly? d) Can he swim? 7) Yes, I can. a) Can you ride a bike? b) Can they fly? c) Can she dance? d) Can he swim? 8) No, I can't. a) Can he swim? b) Can you sing? c) Can she dance? d) Can he play the piano?  9) Yes, it can. a) Can it run fast? b) Can it climb trees? c) Can he swim? d) Can she dance? 10) No, it can't. a) Can they fly? b) Can it run fast? c) Can it climb trees? d) Can she ride a horse?

can / can't -questions-answers

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