1) The teacher is ............... the map on the wall. a) coming up b) leaving behind c) putting up d) coming out 2) New textbooks will ................. soon. a) come out b) come up c) catch up d) put up 3) I'm going to .............. a new hobby when I get to university. a) put up b) take up c) keep up d) give up 4) The library wants us to ................. the books by the end of the academic year. a) catch up b) give up c) hand out d) hand in 5) Usually, I use the Internet to ............... some information for my school/uni projects. a) leave out b) look up c) put up d) get on with 6) Last week my friend ......... a brilliant idea. a) came up with b) got on with c) kept up with d) caught up with 7) Right now I am ................ some issues at school/uni/work. a) leaving out b) joining in c) sorting out d) making up 8) I am really bad at ............. stories. a) making up b) getting on c) coming out d) looking through 9) I'd really like to .......... my studies right now because I'm too tired. a) get on with b) give up on c) leave out d) sort out 10) Last winter I ........... my studies. a) fell behind with b) got on well with c) got left out d) summed up 11) I always .......... my last class' notes before the class. a) look up b) get on c) take up d) look through 12) Every time I want to .......... with my homework I get a text or a notification and I get distracted. a) sum up b) get on c) fall behind d) sort out 13) When I travel I always ......... some local language. a) give up b) catch up c) pick up d) keep up 14) One of my teachers/professors explains everything so fast it's difficult to ........... them. a) keep up with b) fall behind with c) get on with d) sum up 15) I can ........ my favourite movie/book. a) give up b) come up c) come out d) sum up 16) I have a friend I haven't seen for a while so we really need to meet and ........... on everything. a) sum up b) catch up c) get on d) give up

GE B1+ Voc Phrasal verbs (Studying)

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