Point - A location and has no size., Line - An infinite number of points on a straight path that extends in two opposite directions with no end and has no thickness. , Plane - An infinite number of points and lines on a flat surface that extends without end and has no thickness., Collinear - Points that lie on the same line., Coplanar - Points that lie on the same plane., Line segment - Part of a line that consists of two endpoints and all the points between., Ray - Part of a line that consists of one endpoint and all the points on one side of the endpoint., Opposite rays - Rays with the same endpoint that lie on the same line., Angle - Formed by two rays with the same endpoint. Each ray is a side of the angle and the common endpoint is the vertex of the angle., Congruent segments - Segments with the same length., Midpoint - Point dividing a segment into two congruent segments., Segment bisector - A segment, ray, line, or plane that passes through the midpoint of a segment., Complementary angles - Two or more angles whose sum is 90 degrees., Supplementary angles - Two or more angles whose sum is 180 degrees., Adjacent angles - Two angles that share a common side and a common vertex., Vertical angles - Two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines. *CONGRUENT*, Congruent angles - Two angles that have the same measurement., Angle bisector - A ray in the interior of an angle that splits the angle into two congruent angles.,

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