to work, to play, to walk, to run, to drive, to fly, to swim, to go, to stop, to follow, to think, to speak, to say, to chat, to tell, to whisper, to yell, to eat, to drink, to kill, to die, to win, to lose, to smile, to laugh, to cry, to buy, to pay, to sell, to shoot a gun, to learn, to jump, to smell, to hear sound, to listen to music, to taste, to touch, to see a bird, to watch tv, to kiss, to burn, to melt, to dig, to explode, to sit, to stand, to love, to pass by, to cut, to fight, to lie down, to dance, to sleep, to wake up, to sing, to count, to marry, to pray, to mix/stir, to bend, to wash, to cook, to open, to close, to write, to call, to turn, to build, to teach, to grow, to draw, to feed, to catch, to throw, to clean, to find, to fall, to stumble, to fall in love, to push, to pull, to carry, to break, to wear, to hang, to shake, to sign, to beat, to lift.

ESL A1 - Common Verbs in English (89 verbs) - [625 Word List]

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