Ahmad ____ piano Tala ____ a book Merna usully ____ her homework Salma is happy today but I ____ know why Mariam is ____ her friends We ____ many sentences The boys ____ football The teacher ____ us how to tell time They ____ every day The head teacher ____ with teachers The mice ____ in the trash Sami is ____ to the cinema Ranem ____ pop corn My mom ____ so good I love ____ family The girls in my class are so smart and do ____ homework every day Reem knows how to ____ piano I eat ____ every morning The boy ____ hot milk khaldea ____ braekfast The police ____ catch criminals The teacher ____ the text

اختر الكلمه الصحيحه اعداد ليان + سلمى + مرنا صف السادس مدرسة قحاوش ام الفحم

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