Thesis - I personally think that learning English is important. Why do I say that?, 1st Argument - Firstly, English is an international language. English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the officia language of 53 countries and spoken by around 400 million people across the globe. Learning English is important as it enables you to communicate easily with your fellow global citizens., 2nd Argument - Secondly, English is language of business. English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are enter a global workforce. Research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English and many international companies expect employees to bu fluent in English, 3rd Argument - Next, speaking english gives you access to a world of entertainment. Many of the world's top films, books and music are published and produced in English. If you speak English, you won't need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favorite books, songs,film and TV shows. Watching movies and television programmes in the English language is also a great and fun way to learn it!, 4th argument - Lastly, learning English gives you access more of the Internet. According to a report by Education. English is the language of the Internet. Learning English is important as it gives you access to the over half the content on the Internet. Knowing how to read English will allow you access to billions of pages of information which may not be otherwise available!, Reiteration/conclusion - From the fact above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the global era. Although learning, English can be challenging and time-consuming, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opputunities!,

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