1) The Lord your ___ a) Shephard b) God c) Friend 2) is with ___, a) you b) us c) them 3) the Mighty _______ a) Soldier b) Man c) Warrior 4) who _____. a) saves b) helps c) supports 5) He will ____ a) give b) share c) take 6) great _______ in you; a) joy b) delight c) surprise 7) in his ____ a) kindness b) love c) faithfulness 8) he will no longer ______ you, a) blame b) hurt c) rebuke 9) but will _______ a) rejoice b) sing c) laugh 10) over you with ________.” a) jumping b) dancing c) singing 11) _________ 3:17 a) Jeremiah b) Zephaniah c) Habakkuk

MS/HS Lesson 24 Focus Verse: Zephaniah 3:17

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