The river has ____ over night.____, it was still a safe ____ to cross. Now, it poses a potential hazard for 10-year old Tuguldur and his horse. The ____ thawing and refreezing causes the ice to reshape itself. Can Tuguldur ____ the ice, will the ____ hold his ____? Just like the other Mongolian nomad ____ in the ____, Tuguldur ____ cross the river to get to ____ in Tunkhel. On the icy ____ there, the children learn valuable ____ ____. The nomad girl, Delgertsetseg, must also travel ____ the ____ cold.- ____ spring ____, ____ better, the snow ____ and everything's green. The school in the village is a ____ ____. - ____, I'm ____ that the horse will buck and start ____.For the ____ children in Mongolia, there is one of the most dangerous ways to school in the world. Winter on the Mongolian ____, a long and ____ time for nomadic Mongolians and ____ cattle. ____ drop to ____ 50 degrees Celsius. Far away from settlements, the milder valleys serve as the winter quarters for the nomads. The ____ of the last day of school, ____ the ____ in ____. It's six ____.

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