I’ve never been given such a nice present before. - the nicest present I’ve ever been given., He’s never flown before. - It’s the first time he’s (ever) flown., It’s/It’s been a long time since he visited us. - He hasn’t visited us for a long time., When did you leave school? - How long ago did you leave school?, The last time I saw her was a month ago. - I haven’t seen her for a month., He joined the golf club ten months ago. - He has been a member of the golf club for ten months, It’s a month since she moved to Austria. - She moved to Austria a month ago., She started English lessons a year ago. - She has been taking/having English lessons for a year., Having had dinner, I went to bed. - After having dinner, I went to bed., I think there will be a war soon. - In my opinion, there is going to be a war soon., I don't believe that he’ll agree. - It’s my belief that he won’t agree., While I was walking down the street, I saw Mary. - While walking down the street, I saw Mary., Was there any response to his appeal? - Did anyone respond to his appeal?, The race takes place tomorrow. - The race will/is going to be held/take place tomorrow, She started doing her homework as soon as her brother had left for school. - She started doing her homework when her brother had left for school., When did you last have a haircut? - When was the last time you had a haircut?, She wrote the book while she was on holiday. - She wrote the book during her holiday., I only slept for an hour last night. - I only had an hour's sleep last night., It is certain that he'll pass his exams. - There is no doubt that he'll pass his exams.,

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