1) Up to one month old a baby can focus their gaze at a) 20-25 cm b) 30-35 cm c) 50-55 cm 2) at one month old a baby can grasp an adults finger. Is this classed as a: a) Gross motor skill b) Fine motor skill 3) Up to one month old a baby can smile in response to an adult, gaze attentively at an adult when being fed, turn to regard a nearby speakers face. Is this classed as a) Physical and spiritual development b) Emotional and social development 4) Babies at three months can lift their head and chest off the bed whilst on their tummy (prone position) is this a) Fine Motor Skill b) Gross motor skill 5) Babies at three months can smile in response to speech, cry loudly when expressing a need and laugh and vocalise. Is this a) Physical development b) Cognitive development c) Social development 6) At six months babies lying on their backs can roll over. Is this a) Fine motor b) Gross Motor 7) At six months babies grasp toys with their whole hand (palmer grasp). They can pass toys from one hand to another. Is this a) Fine motor b) Gross Motor 8) At six months babies become wary of strangers. Which type of development is this? a) Cognitive b) Physical c) Social 9) At 13 months. What percentage of babies can walk? a) 72% b) 50% c) 36% 10) At what age can a infant use a delicate pincer grasp a) 8 months b) 12 months c) 18 months

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