While hunting in the ____, Prince Arthur kills a unicorn. His father, Uther, is convinced it will bring good ____ to the kingdom of Camelot. However, Merlin, the young ____ who is Arthur’s servant, and Gaius, the King’s doctor, believe it is a bad ____. They are soon proved right when a ____ comes to the kingdom. The curse kills the corn and dries up the water. The curse cannot be lifted until Arthur passes some ____ set by Anhora, the keeper of the unicorns. Arthur passes the first test when he shows ____ to a man with hungry children, but ____ the second when his pride overcomes him and he tries to kill someone who ____ him. Merlin ____ Anhora to give Arthur another chance. The young prince finally shows that he has a good ____ when he saves Merlin’s life even though it means he may ____ himself. Food and ____ are restored to Camelot and because Arthur has shown that he is pure of heart, the unicorn ____ again.

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